Thursday, January 8, 2009

I demand satisfaction, SMH.

A week or so ago the Sydney Morning Herald printed a Best and Worst dressed list that left me more than a little TO'd. Apart from being horrendously boring (Kate Moss a style icon? No Way! I haven't heard that one before.) it was also inaccurate. Placed on the worst dressed list (a problem in itself), Michelle Obama was derided for the volcanic eruption-like, 'H&M' dress she wore on election night. In fact the dress was a Narciso Rodriguez creation, though Obama did wear a striped H&M dress, shown above, during the campaign.
If it wasn't bad enough that a fashion writer misidentified one of the most recognizable dresses of the year, SMH then didn't publish my extremely witty letter of complaint. (What's that you say, SMH? A crayon drawing of a sad face doesn't count as wit anymore?)
Ok, I'm going to take off my cranky pants and ranty robe now. I bid you goodnight.

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