Monday, May 2, 2011

RAFW Day 1: In which words were not my friend

Yeah, so I probably wouldn't have said, 'Don't be a dick, go to Arnsdorf', if I had known the cute European I was talking to was in fact Yvan Rodic, aka Monsieur Face Hunter. But I probably would have still have asked which part of France he was from (no part, as it happens, he is Swiss).

And if I'd had a little time to reflect on the vast array of adjectives the English language has to offer, I maybe wouldn't have described my own outfit to a Fairfax photographer as being, 'a little bit spastic, really'.

And if I hadn't been so distracted by the dual-polar pain of Balenciaga heels and an oversized topknot, I definitely wouldn't have let the words, 'Alex Perry makes clothes for club girls who have found a sugardaddy', pass by my lips.

Oh blergh.

I did have a nice photo of my shoes taken by Lee Oliveira, however, so it's not a dead loss.


elleziebellz said...

i'm so glad i'm not the only one who suffers verbal diahorreah.
Seriously, the stupid crap that comes out of my mouth sometimes whenever I speak on such occasions.
On another subject, did you get your nails done down at the OPT? I'm going today. When I booked I didn't take note of the brand. Just that it said "nail enamel that wears like gel or something". My mental response was "O'rly?". Um, what did you think?

hollypop said...

haha. too funny. oh well, just as well your shoes (and legs) look incredible!

Anusha Rutnam said...

Aw thanks hollypop!

Elleziebellz sorry this is a bit late but yes, I did get my nails done and I have to say they're looking pretty good (I'm the type of girl who has smugged their manicure before leaving the nail salon). The colour range isn't magnificent but but big-ups for Shellac's staying power.